To put it simply, Hits4Pay is a website with which you get paid to read emails. Many of them are advertisements that you need to keep open for x amount of time while you complete other tasks on your computer. Some of the benefits to this program is that they give you a virtual inbox on their website, so your personal inbox wont be cluttered up with your paid emails.
How to start?
In order to start making money on your Hits4Pay account all you have to do is:
- Sign up for a free email reading account with Hits4Pay
- Select the type of emails that you would be interested in
- View your emails and visit the links to the websites
- You’ll receive your pay per email
- Check back every day for new offers, they have a system that will email your personal email account and let you know you have paid emails waiting.
- They pay out at the end of every month
So, I have been using Hits4Pay for quite a bit now and have been receiving 4 to 6 emails every day, while it seems small, this begins to add up over time. Hits4Pay is a legitimate place to make some extra money, and remember that the best way to go about this is to pair it with your other websites you’re using to maximize your monthly income.
Currently they are offering a $10.00 bonus just for signing up!
Click the link below to get started!
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